Title #
Limit length
Here you can set a maximum amount of total characters.
Here you can add extra text at the end of every product title, e.g. an asterisk *
Description #
Number of list points
The plugin automatically returns a list of description items for every product. Either it was entered by the seller or generated by the internal logic of the plugin. By default the list contains of 5 items. You can adjust the amount of list items on via this option.
Additionally you can overwrite this value individually via shortcodes:
[amazon box="123456789" description_items="3"]
Attention: There might be only a lower amount of description items available.
Limit length for each list point
Here you can set a maximum amount of total characters of each list item.
HTML formatting
In some cases the description includes HTML formatting in order to highlight certain words for example. Here you can remove the HTML intentional.
Rating #
Star rating
Select between three different sizes “small, medium and large” for displaying the star ratings.
The numeric amount of total reviews can be enabled/disabled.
Pricing #
Price reduction
You have the choice between:
- hiding
- displaying the total sum
- displaying the percentage
Price reduction position
By default the price reduction will be displayed besides the advertised price. Alternatively it can be displayed inside the badge – instead of the text – on the right top of each box.
Button #
Here you can adjust the design, icon and text of the standard “Buy on Amazon” button.
Details-Button #
Here you can adjust the design, icon and text of the details button.
More information about the details button can be found on the documentation pages.
Custom CSS #
The output of all product boxes and lists can be adjusted by adding custom CSS which will be used when adding into this box.
There’s no need to enter the style
tag. Simply insert you style definitions e.g. .aawp .aawp-product { backkround-color: #000; }
Individual customizations regarding the design/style of all elements are not part of the plugin support, due tue to fact that goes beyond of the scope of support.
Time by time we are going to publish tutorials for the most wished customizations on our blog.