Can I Use Amazon Product Images on My Affiliate Website?

July 1, 2024
Can I Use Amazon Product Photo On My Affiliate Website

If you’re an affiliate marketer, you know that images are essential for showing customers exactly what you’re promoting.

However, there’s a critical question many Amazon affiliates ask that needs to be addressed:

“Can I use Amazon images freely, or will I risk legal issues?”

What about the other ways to create/get images for your website?

A lot of marketers don’t know the answers to these questions. Unfortunately, most of them just copy and paste the images from Amazon…

…resulting in an account suspension.

But there is a way to use official Amazon product images on your site without trouble.

In this post, you’ll discover how to use Amazon product images on your affiliate site safely, and also learn additional ways to create or add images to help you stand out.

When Can You Use Amazon Product Images?

If you’re a part of the Amazon Associates program, you can use product images Amazon provides on its website.

However, it’s NOT as straightforward as copying and pasting images from Amazon to your site. Instead, you have to use Amazon’s API.

Also, you must follow the Amazon Opening Agreement, which says you have to use their images for the sole purpose of promoting.

If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be able to use Amazon images and stay out of any trouble.

When Can You NOT Use Images?

There are several instances when you can’t use Amazon images, including:

  • You’re not a part of Amazon Associates. In this case, you’re forbidden to use any of the official Amazon product images.
  • A product isn’t a part of Amazon Associates. These are products excluded from Amazon Associated with third-party sellers or products such as alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
  • You don’t use Amazon’s API. You can’t just copy and paste the images on your affiliate website.

Not following the guidelines can lead to account suspension or, in more severe cases, land a legal issue.

How to Add Amazon Product Images to Your Site: The 2 Best Ways

There are a couple of good ways you can safely add Amazon product images to your site.

Previously one of the main ways Amazon affiliate marketers used Amazon product images was with Amazon’s own SiteStripe tool. Although this tool does still exist, the ability to create affiliate links that included product images was axed earlier this year.

This means that there is now no way to directly use the product images on Amazon for your affiliate marketing.

Fortunately, however, there is still a way of getting these images in a way that is effective and fully compliant with Amazon’s terms and conditions – and that’s by using AAWP.

So let’s look at how to use Amazon product images on your affiliate website legally, and safely, using AAWP – and one other method many people overlook.

#1: AAWP Plugin

In addition to letting you use Amazon’s product images for your affiliate listings, the Amazon Associates WordPress (AAWP) plugin also allows you to get data about your Amazon affiliate products while also adding much more control over them.

In fact, AAWP provides you with valuable insights about your products, such as:

  • The number of clicks. How many times a product was clicked.
  • Where exactly the product box was clicked. Whether it was the product image, the title, or the “Buy” button that was clicked.
  • Information about the user who clicked. The date of the click, the OS, the device, and the browser used.

You’ll also get a configurable chart for displaying the data over time.

AAWP provides you with valuable insights about your products

Another great thing is that AAWP allows you to show bigger images than was previously possible using Amazon’s own SiteStripe tool, as well as providing more information about the product you’re selling. Just look at the difference in the image below:

AAWP allows you to show bigger images than was previously possible using Amazon’s own SiteStripe tool

Which of those two listings do you imagine is more likely to grab attention, and generate more clicks?

Also, unlike other tools, we provide you with unique ways to showcase your products. For instance, you can feature current Bestsellers, New Releases, and Comparison tables.

With AAWP, you can feature current Bestsellers, New Releases, and Comparison tables

The best thing about these is that all of these lists and tables are dynamic.

For instance, if you’re showing the ‘top 3 monitors for gamers’, our tool will automatically pull in data from Amazon to show you the current top 3 products. If the price changes, a product runs out of stock, or there is a new product in the top 3, your ‘top list’ will automatically get updated.

This is great since it allows you to set it and forget it, while also gaining a competitive edge and providing the best possible experience (including not promoting dead links/products).

AAWP product comparison table

AAWP provides much better control over your Amazon links/products. You can see the data, organize your links, or use unique ways to showcase your products.

Download the AAWP plugin now, stand out, and maximize your commissions.

#2 – Other Options for Affiliate Product Images

Using Amazon product images isn’t the only option (and not always the best one) for adding images to the products you promote on your affiliate website.

In fact, there are several alternatives you might try, including:

  1. Shoot your own photos. The best way to get unique images that you like is by taking them yourself. You can either use a screencast for software, or a phone or camera for physical products.
  2. Use paid photo stock. There are paid photo stocks that have thousands of great images you can use with your affiliate posts, such as Shutterstock, Adobe, and Dreamstime.
  3. Use AI image-enhancing tools. They can help you make your image look more professional, remove the background, or resize and extend the image. Examples include VanceAI, Picsart, and Upscale.

Very few affiliate marketers will take advantage of these. This is mostly because they take a little more work to create and get right. However, if you decide to go down this road, you may find out that using such images is much more effective.

This is because it will allow you to stand out from competitors who only use Amazon images.

Also, you’ll usually seem more trustworthy. This is because if you create your own images, the chances are that you will have used the product personally (or at least, this will be the perception). This adds to your credibility, which often leads to more conversions.

Make Sure You Use Amazon Product Images Safely

It’s vital that you don’t just copy and paste images from Amazon’s own website, and with the demise of Amazon’s SiteStripe tool for generating image-based affiliate listings, many affiliate marketers have struggled to generate the clicks needed for a profitable marketing business.

But by using AAWP, you can not only use Amazon’s own product images, but do so in a way that’s much more attention grabbing, more effective, and which gives you far more control and insight.

If you truly want to get ahead of competitors, provide the best possible experience, and get your affiliate website on the next level, we recommend using AAWP to improve your affiliate marketing.

You can even try it for a month, and if you’re not delighted, we’ll refund your money.

Get AAWP today and boost your Amazon Associates commissions.

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