
A widget allows you to add product boxes and sidebar lists. You can only use a widget in the sidebar or in other area if this is permitted by the theme you have chosen.

What is a widget?

A widget is a block of fixed or prepared content (such as a product box, best seller list or new release list) and you can place this in the sidebar of a WordPress theme.

Depending on the theme, you can also add widgets to the header or footer of a web page. In addition, you can include widgets in page builder layouts.

Widgets are configurable

A widget’s appearance can be configured. This means you can customise the title and change the look of the widget. There are several designs and templates available for this.

In addition, widgets can be displayed according to a category and using additional plug-ins. This means that the widget will only be displayed if it fits in with the relevant category.

Your benefits of a widget

Here is a brief overview of the benefits:

  • A widget can be used in a sidebar, header and footer (depending on the theme).
  • The title can be configured.
  • Choose from various designs & templates.
  • Display the widget according to a category.

Different templates and styles are available for the front-end appearance and you specify these in the backend.

Styles: Light, Dark, Special: WAYL

Templates: Standard, Small

Of course, if you wish, you can also use your own templates.

A preview of the AAWP widgets from the WordPress backend:

Currently, there are 3 different widgets available for display (bestseller, new releases, product boxes).

AAWP Widgets WordPress Backend

A preview of the AAWP widgets from the WordPress frontend:

Product box (single):

AAWP Features product boxes single

Bestseller (small):

AAWP Features Bestseller-Lists small

New releases (small):

AAWP Features New releases - Lists small

Start now with AAWP!

AAWP is the #1 WordPress plugin for Amazon affiliates who are serious about earning more. Get started today!

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