Product images and data (e.g. pricing) will be fetched via the official Product Advertising API. In order to use the API, you need to create some credentials.
Create Credentials #
Your credentials can be created directly in your Amazon Associates account.
In case you’re using another local Associates program, your url might be different.
In case you don’t have credentials yet, please click on the button “Add Credentials”.
Download Credentials #
After your credentials were generated, you can view and download them.
Manage Credentials #
All previously credentials will be shown in your Amazon Associates account.
Existing credentials may be deleted, but your secrets cannot be seen again.
In case you don’t know your credentials anymore, please create new one (note that there’s a maximum limit of 2 active pairs of credentials).
In case you’re using another local Associates program, your url might be different.
Walkthrough Video #
In this video we explain step by step how to create your Credentials for Amazon Product Advertising API and how to use them in our AAWP plugin: