By using the shortcode attribute new, you can display an automated list of the newest products for a specific product category.
What do I need? #
- Search terms (keywords)
- alternatively a browse node (see Use Browse Nodes)
Important note: Due to the new Amazon API v5 it is currently not possible to use a Browse Node ID. As soon as Amazon extends its API, we will be able to implement the function again. More information about the new Amazon API can be found here.
Here you can find all product groups available for New Releases.
Displaying a new releases list #
Using keywords #
[amazon bestseller="playstation games" items="2"]
By adding the attribute “items” you can specify the amount of products to be displayed. The default and maximum amount is 10.
The shortcodes above can be extended by adding further "attributes". We prepared an overview of all shortcodes and adjustments for the Amazon Affiliate WordPress plugin.