Important note: Due to the new Amazon API v5 it is currently not possible to use a Browse Node ID. As soon as Amazon extends its API, we will be able to implement the function again. More information about the new Amazon API can be found here.
When displaying single products, you can use article numbers (ASIN, or ISBN for books).
However, lists (e.g. Bestseller, New Releases) be an exception due to the fact that we need to use the id of the specific product group. Only when submitting the so-called “Browse Nodes”, the Amazon Product Advertising API will return exact results.
Note: When using a browse node, Amazon’s API returns a maximum amount of 10 products.
How to get the Browse Nodes #
Here you can find an overview of the most important main groups (for
When passing the browse node id of a main group (e.g. “Electronics”), the API doesn’t return products yet. In this case please navigate a few levels deeper and pick something more precise (e.g. “Electronics” > “Televisions”).