Please ensure that your web hosting meets the following requirements:
- PHP 5.6 or newer
- MySQL 5.0.3 or newer
- WordPress 4.7.5 or newer
- PHP “SOAP“, “cURL” and “mbstring” extensions installed and enabled
- PHP “curl_exec“ and “allow_url_fopen” enabled
- PHP “XML“ enabled
WebHosting recommendation #
In general the above-mentioned requirements are easily met by all web hosting providers.
For a fast WordPress Hosting we recommend Bluehost and Kinsta.
Server Check Tool #
We are happy to provide you a very easy tool in order to check if your your web hosting meets all requirements. Click here to download our Server Check Tool.
- The downloaded file “aawp-server-check.php” must be uploaded via FTP (e.g. in the root directory of your site)
- Go to your browser and open the previously uploaded file on your site; e.g.
- After checking your web hosting, please remove the file from your server